Sunday, August 15, 2010

Another computer problem.?

A bubble in my system tray pops up constantly, sayin something about System Security Center. I tried to use it one time, then stopped using it.....and ever since then it will not stop bugging me. How can I stop them from popping up or delete System Security Center?

Another computer problem.?malware

go to start -%26gt; control panel -%26gt; security center

and click on the left ''change the way security center alerts me''

and change it all to no alerts.

Another computer problem.?norton 360

That bubble can be the life or death of your PC please pay attention to it. First of all you want to ensure that your firewall is on, your system update is on also that you have an active spyware running on you systen regularly to ensure you dont have any virus attacking your PC

I'm not sure what your bubble is saying but you should read it in detail
Try opening this''bubble'', as you call it, and see what it tells you you need to do. Generally right clicking it will lead you to a link for some options. I think this bubble is more like a Shield in Red %26 Blue. It's probably telling you that it doesn't detect an Anti Virus program, that your Automatic Updates is not ON or that your Firewall is not ON. Do as they suggest to get rid of the icon.
The usual reasons why Security Center would prompt you, would be that you don't have a virus guard on your computer or your virus guard has not been associated with the security center. The second reason is automatic updates. Both these options would prompt you if automatic updates are off or if new updates are available to download.

To change the settings of Security Center, go to Control Panel -%26gt; Security Center and change the settings.

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