Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Router, internet security, twinge attack question?

Ok here's the deal. Ill make this as short but detailed as I can. I have a wireless internet provider. a D-link 604 wired router with latest firmware.

My network consists of my computer and my xbox 360, both are static ip address. For some reason on one game - NCAA 08 and 07. on my 360 I am always dropping connection to my opponent. does not happen on anyother game. I have ports open for xbox live and also have my 360 in DMZ.

Whenever I drop. I look at my router log and it says Twinge Attack Detected - Packet dropped. with the date of April 1, 2002 ''april fools day'' always same date not the same time. all other logs show normal date.

Is someone trying to get into my computer? Is there anyway I can find the ip address, if it is a outside attack and have it stopped? is this something the game is causing? At first I thought it was just something like an ip conflict with the game, but it happens no matter who i play. now i'm worried someone's messing around with me

Router, internet security, twinge attack question?norton antivirus

A twinge attack is simply when a computer sends a little bit of data and then floods you all at once. Think of it as a person whispering to you and then suddenly SHOUTING AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS ABOUT RANDOM STUFF YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND AND SEEMS TO HAVE NO END. Like your router, you would simply tune them out. A twinge attack, to be technical, is an ICMP flood message. It's used to crash a system by sending them too much information. The bad news is, is that this is more than likely a fault in NCAA 08 and not your router. The people that made the game appear to have a BIG bug in their network code. I'd email their tech support and see what they're doing about it. They should release a patch. There's nothing you can really do about it. Though I do find it strange, usually a DeMilitarized Zone (DMZ) doesn't get monitored or protected by the router. Have you tried using a friend's wireless router to see how things go?

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